3 Easy Ways to Request Samples
Free test samples are available for inserter equipment dealers for use in their showroom or for demos. We will also gladly ship to individual end users who are experiencing problems with their current envelopes or who are considering purchasing or leasing an inserter. Especially for those experiencing insertion problems, expect our envelopes to be the solution.
Test samples usually ship same day but please try to call before 2:00 (CST) if time is an issue. If you have any questions or if you are not sure which envelope is best for your application, please call Mike or Krista.
1) Call: 800-545-0792 and ask for Krista or Mike.
2) Email: krista.hurley@ourpartners.com or mike.ryan@ourpartners.com
3) Fill out the following form to receive a sample pack of ALL of our Inserter Friendly envelopes.